Sunday, May 30, 2010
sorry for the late posting of the pictures that took duringthe camp...these were the picture that took from the last four days...
my group was discussing the tagline.
we were at the computer lab..creating the(sort called)comics
do i look fat??haha...chubby..kidding...haha
Hua Yi Students...
ya...some..but then i'm hugging mummy...
meisiew(instructor) and me...
these are the cupcakes that the chef baked..
nice hor??haha..
having lunch at the restaurant there...
that's all the end of the third day of camp picture..
Now is the forth day of camp de picture...

that's all i have today...
when i first saw you...
i was afraid to meet you...
when i first met you...
i was afraid to kiss you...
when i kissed you...
i was afraid to love you...
but now that i love you...
i'm afraid to lose you...
LiTtLe eM0 p0sted
2:44 AM
The End of the Story ! ,
by vAmpirE kNigHt
Thursday, May 27, 2010 long never post le..cause there's a 4 days camp(program about teaching us how to do the business).i was same sort of shy in the first daycause this was the first time that i'm on this program being selected by my teacher.these are the picture i took for this four days(with other school friends)......
Akif,Gregory and Crystal(on the third day)it was our business at Hong Kah Secondary School..the students over there were quite nice and friendly..and they helped us for buyingthe cupcakes.the profit that we earned was quite alot..thanks to Hong Kah students and teachers..
these is where we placed the cupcakes and our posters!!

on the forth day..and it also our last day for gathering
together...instructors bought pizza for us..but i never eat
cause i doesn't like to eat pizza..

our group picture...

our group picure together with our instructor...
Suria,Crystal and me...
Crystal(top left),Melissa(top right),me(bottom left)and Suria(bottom right)
that's i have today..i will miss you guys de even though the camp has over...
LiTtLe eM0 p0sted
1:41 AM
The End of the Story ! ,
by vAmpirE kNigHt
Saturday, May 22, 2010 normal loh..go out with family for some shopping..
it made me surprised was that my dad brought us to the mountain
plus..there's a restaurant..beside that..i went to sit the cable-car..
that's bring back my memories when i was young...because i sat on
the cable-car once before during my young was past a few
years ago...
and ya..this are the pictures that i took when i was at the mountain..
in mum found a special plant over there too..
much closer........
nicer view tooooo...
i shall end my post here..if there is any interesting things i
will post to share with you guys ya!!!bye....
LiTtLe eM0 p0sted
12:50 AM
The End of the Story ! ,
by vAmpirE kNigHt
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
yayyyy...exams over le...i can finally rest le....but...
after exams over...i fever le..temperature was 39.0..
high right?? making my head
happened yesturday...went to see doctor..and then
ate medicine...
ermm..forgot to long never post miss
me..haha..yap..this few days..busy dealing exams..
cause exams made me so stress up that's why i don't
feel like posting..psps!!
i gonna go rest le...bye..

LiTtLe eM0 p0sted
3:36 AM
The End of the Story ! ,
by vAmpirE kNigHt
Saturday, May 1, 2010
yessssssssssssssssss!!!!monday no school cause due to the
public hoilday..labour day!!!wah..finally can rest at home le.. bring me and my kor kor to at three places..
alot right??haha...we first went to marina square for shopping
then daddy said very boring cause almost all is restaurant and
shops for girls...haha..
then second place don't know go where de...then third place was
jurong point to buy things..alot of things we brought we went
to the car park to put our things and then continued our journey loh..
haha i saw chipmucks front of the CD shop...cute leh..haha...

people mountain people sea,right??haha..

ya..that's me...that time,i shy shy sia..don't dare to go near him..haha..

ya...they kept on sqeezing me when i was standing
in the middle..haha but never mind..Aren't
they cute??
LiTtLe eM0 p0sted
2:41 AM
The End of the Story ! ,
by vAmpirE kNigHt