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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

today..i emo emo sia....claire and jieying darling never come school...
hahax...i in school draw circle sia..sitting in the corner...(^_^)hahax..no
lah...i kidding de lah...but seriously...without them..i ultra quiet today...
hahax...HEY!!!!B0TH OF Y0U!!!!GOT MISS MEE!!!???? :P hahax...

P.S. To: someone i use to love..

Actually, without or with you..my life remains the same..though

there is once i cry throughout the night just because of you, but

now its just that you walked out of my world where just live only

for you..but now..i'm back to normal...a person that i use to be

before i know you..i want to thanks you because you have set

me free.. :) hope you are doing great ya :) take care!!(^_^)

now..i shall end my post le.. (^_^)

LiTtLe eM0 p0sted
5:28 AM

The End of the Story ! ,
by vAmpirE kNigHt

Sunday, May 22, 2011

yesterday, my classmates hosted a class outing!!!hey!!actually quite FUN!!!(^_^)

we played twister!!hahax...like yoga siol...not bad!!that game..i'm sooooo in love

with my friends!!(^_^) <3!!!

daddy emo emo de!!(^_^) <3



say CHEEZE!!!!(^_^) <3

wah...looks so delicious...can share share??!! :P

hahax...(^_^) that claire darling <3

me && jieying darling!! <3


i shall end the post~~~ (^_^)

LiTtLe eM0 p0sted
8:36 AM

The End of the Story ! ,
by vAmpirE kNigHt

Friday, May 20, 2011

today went out with jieying and claire darling..it so much FUN!!! hahax...(^_^)

shall hang out next time..hahax...we were all crazy!!!!woohoo....especially me and

jieying lah...we both siao siao de..then claire keep on laughing there...together with

her friend laughing..hahax...thanks, you guys..(^_^) i have my great time with you..

P.S. To: Claire's friend (^_^)

Though i don't know your name but its really nice to meet you!!(^_^) hahax..

hahax..so..i shall ends my post le..

LiTtLe eM0 p0sted
6:53 AM

The End of the Story ! ,
by vAmpirE kNigHt

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

just one question for ya...
is that what you really wish for?? (:

if yes..your wish will be granted..perhaps

is just my dream.. (:

LiTtLe eM0 p0sted
12:23 AM

The End of the Story ! ,
by vAmpirE kNigHt

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

it been awhile since i posted my last post...as i need to concentrate on my mid-year exams..
hahax...got me miss!!?no lah...jkjk de...past few days...seriously,is very stressful for me...
but now ends le...i can run out and have my crazy time with my friends le!!!!woohoo...
i have been waiting for it!!!!!!!!but hor...having examination in the hall compared to classroom..
hey..quite stress,ya know...cause got lots of teachers walking around...hahax..but now,over le!!!
my FUN TIME coming soon~~ (^_<) woohoo...

LiTtLe eM0 p0sted
11:18 PM

The End of the Story ! ,
by vAmpirE kNigHt

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

HELLO!!!!hahax...so long never update blog le...i think blog going to be dead if i carry on not to update! :P wah.....SYF coming le....my stress also coming too.. got lots of things to remember and do...trying my very best to cope everything :D hahx...wish me luck bah!!JIAYOUX..(^_^)

LiTtLe eM0 p0sted
6:34 AM

The End of the Story ! ,
by vAmpirE kNigHt

Monday, March 14, 2011

this few days...wasn't in my goody mood..that's why i never update my blog for such a long time...sorry pals. (^_<)...hahx...NA studies...damn stress...i can say that...but what i want the most.....is the encouragement and support from family, friends..and......ya!you!(^_^) nevermind that...i overcome already...thanks to you...hahx..i overcome le. i'm not the past LIYU anymore..i learnt how to cherish my dearest who are surrounding me (^_^) on 26th Feb which was fall on Saturday..was my school 55th anniversary...having such a great time there...performing for the audience...crazy around with my band friends...hahax...its gave me an unforgettable moments...i wish to have more more performances in the FUTURE!!!!!woo~~ shall end here le....Bye! (^_^)
woohoo....tomorrow going to school to have CCA...hahax.....

To: my dearest friends who are at the China right now!

Have a fun journey in China~~~~(^_^)
muackz!!miss you guys....

LiTtLe eM0 p0sted
6:19 AM

The End of the Story ! ,
by vAmpirE kNigHt


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My Profile

LiYu is her BIG BIG name
1001 step into this world
grow a year older in every single year
She's a girl who is active and playing with
her flute during band practises
and l0ve t0 be crazy ar0und with her fell0w friends
all her friends that surr0unds her,

Lets talk !



stay cheerful everyday (^_^)
pass with flying colours next year
flute can improve more
band gets GOLD


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Image: :vampire knight